Below is a list of the most common questions/concerns asked by artists and viewers. If you should have a question that is not listed below feel free to send an email to  info@PlatinumMics.com

How Do I submit my music/video to PlatinumMics?

To have your song(s) and or video(s) uploaded to PlatinumMics simply email the links from your SoundCloud page. We will not accept any music links from any other platform. If you wish to submit  your video(s) please email the link(s) from your YouTube page. Yes, you may send us your music links and your video links. Please be sure to send a profile picture as well. If available please submit a brief bio or relevant info pertaining to the artist/band. Videos with nudity will not be posted. Email video links, music links, social media links, profile picture and relevant information to upload@platinumMics.Com 

Is there a cost to have my music/video posted on PlatinumMics?

No! PlatinumMics does not believe in charging artists/bands who are in pursuit of their dreams. We simply ask that once your song/video has been posted that you continue to share with your fans on all of your social media outlets. Together as one we can accomplish more if we all work together. PlatinumMics is a platform for artist to meet and network with other artist. 

How do I get to be a featured artist on PlatinumMics?

PlatinumMics would like to feature everyone who submits their music, however we know that is not a possibility. We are aware that many new artist/bands are working on a limited budget, with that being said as best you can please be sure that all songs are recorded and mixed as professionally as possible. Please be sure that your videos contain very little to no nudity. Artist with the most likes and visits here on PlatinumMics will be considered first. 

Will I have control over my artist page?

No, PlatinumMics will upload all links once received. If you  ever wish to make any changes or add new songs and/or videos simply email us with the updates to upload@PlatinumMics.com